Hasan Tanvir Iqbal

ML Engineer | Data Science

Hasan Tanvir Iqbal | ML Engineer Data Science

Welcome to my personal website! I’m Hasan Tanvir Iqbal. I completed my bachelor’s in CS from IUT. I have been working as an ML engineer at Bangladesh’s largest fintech company, bKash Company Ltd. As an AI professional, I have worked on developing impactful solutions that have impacted millions of lives. Continuous learning and sharing your own findings are the simplest ways to continuously grow as a human and professional.

What I am currently working on:

4 May, 2024

How do you predict something that is very volatile in nature ?

In my first year at bKash, I worked on time-series forecasting. Mainly predicting transaction counts on a daily or hourly basis, based on location, different types of transactions, etc. Now I was told to replicate the forecasting for amounts on a daily basis. But the issue is that amounts are as volatile as time series, which can vary by billions per day. I was scrathing my head to solve something that was supposed to be very straight-forward work.

Personal Work

As any other professional in the field of AI, I am facinated by LLMs right now. I have been looking into its small scale usability. I am also collaborating with multiple researchers under AISC on creating safer LLM.

Beyond Tech Stuff

I believe my spirit animal is the sloth. I like to watch football or TV shows while relaxing in my bed.

Let’s Connect:

I am always up for connecting with new people. You can find my contacts below if you want to connect.